The Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation
Teaching the Scriptures from a Messianic Jewish perspective.
Worship Service: Saturdays at 10:15 am 2503 Oregon Pike Lancaster PA 17601

We've Moved!
We are excited to announce that The Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation has relocated! Come visit us at 2503 Oregon Pike, Lancaster, PA 17601, in the same building as Son Light Bible. We warmly invite you to join us on Saturday mornings at 10:15 am at our new location. Click here for directions.

The Seed of Abraham is a congregation of Jews and Gentiles who believe that Yeshua (Jesus) is the promised Messiah of Israel according to the Scriptures. It assembles for worship, instruction, fellowship, and accountability
with the basic purpose of fulfilling Ephesians 4: 11-13.
The Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation exists to glorify G-d by fulfilling the Great Commission; specifically, by growing a community of Messianic believers, who love and walk with G-d, care for each other, and share the love of Yeshua, both locally and globally, especially with the Jewish people.
Our vision is to be a credible ongoing Messianic testimony to theSusquehanna Valley and its surrounding areas.
Messianic Pastor and Elder, Pete Koziar, has been bringing the Scriptures in a fresh and inspirational way from the Old and New Covenants.
Pastor Koziar has been preaching at Seed of Abraham since late 2018. He had been partnering with Lloyd Scalyer until Lloyd's passing and is now the sole leader of the congregation.
Previously to that, he had led B'nai Avraham Messianic Congregation outside of Baltimore, Maryland, from its founding for 20 years before moving to Lancaster County. He currently resides in Manheim Township with his wife of over 45 years.
He has one son who served honorably in the United States Marines, and who now resides in upstate New York, and two grandchildren.
Pastor Koziar currently serves as the vice president of the Association of Messianic Congregations.
He has been a believer since 1979 and has served in various roles in other churches and congregations since that time, including deacon, elder and teacher of shabbat and Sunday school classes.
He has a Bachelor's and Master's Degree in Electrical Engineering from the Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, and has his Master's of Ministry Degree from the Chesapeake Bible College and Seminary. He was ordained by a counsel of pastors who certified his character and doctrine, and is therefore authorized to perform all pastoral responsibilities, including wedding ceremonies.
His secular career is in electronics engineering, designing embedded systems for various applications, including medical and military devices.
He has also written three science fiction books based on a Biblical world view, Dauntless Homecoming, Seeking Adam and Holy War, and a Messianic commentary on the Torah portions, Divining the Times, all available from Amazon.
More details can be found on his website, petekoziar.com
Top level of Pete Koziar's web site - an author, poet, Messianic Leader,
and scientist

LLOYD ELIAS SCALYER (May 27, 1936 – January 09, 2024)
With fond memories of our founding Messianic pastor and elder, Lloyd Scalyer, who passed on to a much better place, a place where there is no suffering or pain. Lloyd will be remembered for his love for Yeshua (Jesus) and his evangelism to so many people.
Our congregation lost its founding pastor, but that founding pastor faithfully raised up a congregation to be strong and not afraid to give the Good News.
While the loss is still acute and the wound is still fresh, the promises of G-d remain precious. While G-d covered us with a dark cloud in the sudden passing of our founding pastor, our testimony will remain to labor for Him until He comes back to this earth.
The best way we can honor the memory of our founding pastor is to learn from and live out the instruction he gave us and the example he set for us (Heb. 13:7).
Let us do as Lloyd did and look ever upward. For those of us waiting still for that glorious transition, we can all be comforted knowing that G-d has a definite purpose and plan for our remaining time in this realm.
Messianic Pastor and Spiritual Leader Lloyd Elias Scalyer and his wife, Judith, are the founders of The Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation. The foundation for The Seed of Abraham was laid in 1975. Pastor Lloyd retired in November of 2017.
Scalyer was raised in an observant Jewish home and attended services regularly on Saturdays and the youth group on Sundays and Thursdays. In addition, for several years he was president of Exodus AZA and is a lifetime member of the B’nai Brith youth organization. He was born into G-d’s new creation after his move to Lancaster, Pennsylvania.
There he served as the Messianic Rabbi for Beth Emmanuel Congregation, a Deacon in Paradise Baptist Church, an Elder at the Lancaster Evangelical Free Church and the founding Spiritual Leader and Elder of the Seed of Abraham Messianic Congregation for the past 24 Years.
Since retiring, he finished his book "Reflections on Our High Holy Holidays" You can purchase Elder Scalyer's book online at Lititz Institute Publishing Division or download a free e-book.
It is also available on Amazon.com.
Worship Coordinator - Rosetta Stauffer
Prayer Network - Rosetta Stauffer
Cards & Flowers - Judith Scalyer